About Us

Mr. S. M. Katkar
Dnyanganga Junior College plays a vital role in helping students to attain moral mental, physical and social maturity. It aims at imparting quality education and there by building the personality of the child.
We make constant endeavor for an all round development of our students by imparting them value based education to make them ideal citizens of the nation.
We mould our students minds through creativity, enhance and inculcate moral values not only through extra curricular activities but also through our rich culture which is needed in today’s educational techno-savvy environment. “Unity in Diversity” a thought which has been cherished through ages is really experienced and observed in our college. As being a new set up, we have students coming in from different schools and teachers coming in from different cultures and walks of life. Still, we believe in unity which we practice at our college in every aspect, be it academics, intellectual interchange or cultural interchange which really symbolises our nation’s culture and our national heritage